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Фрэйрех, Черная Виверна, 14 лет

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Фрэй- (Защитник) -рех (Слабых); Винсент


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История жизни, черты, образ

14 лет (31 год в людских)

Черная Виверна

Черные Горы Орона

Скаут и Боец

  • Из-за катастрофичной смертности и места обитания, виверны жили мало. Некогда они заселяли Белогорье от пика до пика, но с тех пор как горы были облиты кровью Пожирателя, Гнездовий осталось немного, и Виверны начали терять разумность.

  • Несмотря на плачевную ситуацию, виверны отказывались покидать Черные Горы, которые веками были им домом. Детеныши умирали от порчи, молодые виверны погибали в яростных боях за территорию, а старые либо падали сами, либо раздирались на куски. Из-за среды обитания, сменилась сама физиология виверн, из-за чего они достигали зрелости быстрее других рас. Уже к трем-четырем годам виверна считалась взрослой особью.

  • Последние пару лет значительно упал интеллект детенышей Гнездовья Фрэйрех, и скаут проводила дни с неуемном беспокойстве за подрастающее поколение. Они не умели говорить, они были крайне агрессивны по характеру, и едва ли могли прожевать что-то, кроме сырого мяса. Вожак Гнездовья обвел их стаю взглядом и объявил, что отныне они больше не будут спускаться к людям, и что они уходят глубже в горы.

  • Молодым вивернам с интеллектом Фрэйрех предложили либо уйти с Гнездовьем в горы, либо отправиться устраивать свое собственное Гнездовье. Многие виверны решили покинуть и, несмотря на горечь, Фрэйрех тоже покинула Черные Горы и направилась в Зеленогорье.

  • Фрэйрех родом из Гнездовья, где еще не забылась разумность, процветала своя культура и традиции. Их Гнездовье проявляло меньше агрессии к захаживающим на их территорию созданиям, по по-прежнему яростно обороняло то, что принадлежало им.

  • Фрэйрех одна из последних редких виверн, кто не утратил способность обращаться в человека в угоду животным инстинктам. Многому поспособстовало то, что Гнездовье иногда контактировало с людьми, живущими недалеко от подножья гор, и у Фрэйрех была возможность понаблюдать за ними, запомнить их форму и применить на себя. Это естественная способность трансформации, и её едва ли можно назвать магической.

  • Фрэйрех была очарована людьми и расами малых размеров. Она находила их невероятно милыми и задорными существами и нередко мечтала оказаться их общине, чтобы узнать, как они живут.


Особенности, способности, детали

  • Виверна. Крупная крылатая ящерица с угольно-черной чешуей во много раз больше среднестатического человека. Прочная шкура, хвост, клыки и когти прилагаются.

  • Что такое человек. Несмотря на способность перекидываться в человека, о людях практически ничего не знает. Обожает блестяшки, которые те зовут украшениями, крайне некомфортно чувствует себя в любой одежде, и не может перекинуться так, чтобы быть меньше, чем два метра ростом.

  • Частичное обращение. Может контролировать стадии трансформации. Обернуть руку в лапу, например.

  • Иммунитет к Ядам.

  • Восприимчивость к Порче. При прямом контакте с Порчей, может начать очень быстро терять рассудок и скатиться в базовые инстинкты.

  • Разница Культур. Культура Гнездовья разительно отличается от людской. У виверн даже другая терминология для простых и понятных людям вещей. Конечно, кому-то придется это объяснять.


Отредактировано Винсент (2021-03-13 18:10:54)


Мы рады приветствовать тебя, Фрэйрех!
Теперь эта тема — твои дневник и летопись. Веди их так, как пожелаешь.



889 год

890 год


Regarding 6.0

The color theme for this expansion is not white, but "Platinum". The reason behind it was to give a glittering image after the journey this far.

To give an answer on the concept behind the logo for 6.0 is a bit hard, but the nuance behind it is something like this: "How would you find hope when you're facing the despair that is the end".

You will find out the meaning behind the logo once you start on 6.0


Why Paladin for 6.0's poster job?

"Truthfully I was rather at lost on how to decide on the matter, but instead of wanting to just illustrate "the other side of all our players",  the feeling and thought of wanting to surpass all the imagination we have up till now is really strong"

Since this is the end of the Hydaelyn/Zodiark arc, they wanted to ensure that they can conclude the saga of this Final Fantasy title in a high note, and therefore settled in having Paladin as the poster boy of this expansion.

---------------------------Regarding the new Healer

Though 6.0 will separate healers into 2 categories - Barrier or Pure, they want to make sure that they will not widen the balance gap.

The major point to consider here is that the difference of game experience here, and while both SCH and Sage here are barrier healers but the approach and specifics of using barriers for those job will be different.

The difference of play feel in having only pure healers vs having only pure barrier healers will depend on the player skill

Since it's split, the default composition that the devs would want you to make will be to bring 1 pure healing healer and 1 pure barrier healer. This will make the content clearing easier.

The healer roles does not split, despite its specifications split into two. They are still categorised as healers.

Though the specifications are split, it will not affect how Limit Break gauges are filled and there will be no adjustments on the matter.

Regarding Tanks

Though the specifications between Healers will undergo changes to have Pure or Barrier based healers, there will be no plans to split the categorisation for MT or OT.

Regarding the new Melee DPS

"Since DRG is currently at a special position, if we're only talking about slots it was natural we add it there. Which is why we decided on having melee DPS as our second new job."

There are many players who want to play the DPS role so they tend to add new job that specialises on attacking. It seems that there hasn't been an expansion where attack specific jobs isn't added for each expansion.

Regarding on how playing melee DPS is hard/rigid, Yoshida commented that it's never easy to play a job that has restrictions in movement or attack distance when facing complicated mechanics in high difficulty content no matter which MMO you play, so they are always worried on approaching the aspect of how to dodge those kind of mechanics.

On new skills for 6.0

It will be hard to create a skill that surpasses Passage of Arms, they wanted more skills like that. So they want to create skills like that for all jobs so players who have their favourite preference will end up loving their job more because of how cool it is.

They are working really hard so that they can meet the player's expectations.

On the aspect of removing Belts, as well as stat parameters.

The stat parameters you gained from Belts will be relocated elsewhere coming this expansion due to the removal of belt slot.

The impact of downscaling stats will be really big, so even without the changes done to the inner formula, the extent of the impact on sub stats will change because of this.

The result of this change will be to the point that you ultimately won't even notice it.

The belts can be used for trade, sell, desynth, or can be exchanged for tokens.

The description for belt equipments will add a sentence that states "An equipment that was used to protect the Adventurer's waist" or something to that effect.

Regarding Trust System

All main dungeons that appear on 6.0 will be Trust compatible.

They wanted to go all out with the Trust system but doing so will require an enormous amount of cost to make it work, so the team is currently facing challenges and are figuring out how to incorporate them for general use.

Regarding Island Sanctuary

The concept behind the content is to provide players with a more "slow life" (relaxing) feel so they are making sure any elements of competing with other players is avoided

You will still retain some form of communication with other players, but the content itself is largely solo

Trading within Island Sanctuary and earning gil can be done by planting and growing specialities that you have cultivated, as well as interacting with the features in this game.

They will make it so that even if you're not interested in trading but only want to do it just to grow crops, or specialities can also do so without facing through any loss/penalties.

You are free to admire the minions you love and brought into, or just have fun growing animals you brought into Island Sanctuary.

Regarding Hildibrand

The adventures of Hildibrand was put into hiatus due to the content becoming monotonous and stereotyped.

Now that he's recharged, the devs are now thinking on how to proceed with the content that will answer player's expectations.

Please look forward to his return!

Small Scale PvP

The rules, maps and everything about this content is new.

Any job can join this content.

Currently having healers playing PvP places a heavy burden and responsibility onto them, so they are aiming to make this content role free and everyone who join this PvP has a self heal.

Elements like occupying your opponent's base, or taking down your enemy will be added.

A new type of reward system (that everyone would want) is currently underway.

There is a possibility that Feast will be temporary closed down depending on how the content goes.


Yoshida thought that aside from Flying and Swimming, there is no need to further think of any new actions. To begin with, he no longer has any ideas on the matter (with a laugh)

They did thought of a new action like "Zero gravity", but it would be the same as swimming and if you jump, you would not be able to land back to the ground anymore wouldn't you? So...yeah no special actions will be added this time.

When exploring the moon, it will require the FFXIV team to interpret how being at the moon feels like, so it will be a testament to their imagination and they're giving thoughts on how to approach this aspect.

The expansion will involve the moon that everyone thought it would be, so please look forward to it™️

(IN THE CONTEXT OF FFXIV) Since there is oxygen on the moon, there won't be troublesome elements like suffocation gauge or death when you exit the area.

Отредактировано Фрэйрех (2021-03-18 12:57:28)


Вы здесь » Легенды Янтаря » Герои, которых нет » Фрэйрех, Черная Виверна, 14 лет

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